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Committed to Excellence ~Excellentia scelus est~

" School is learning things you don't want to know, surrounded by people you wish you didn't know, while working toward a future you don't know will ever come. ”

GGA is the-state-of-art coeducation independent school situated in New Naperi, Blantyre.The Board of Directors, Management Team and Members of Teaching Staff are geared to provide for deep, experienced and well balanced human capital that will nurture the growth of the young adults into balanced, accomplished and confident adults who would contribute effectively in holistically in global spheres of life



To be a leading and high-performing centre of education excellence in Malawi and Beyond. 



To inspire, engage and empower each student to achieve excellence as a learner and citizen

At GGA we regard each and every one of our students as unique with his/her own special set of talents and ttributes. As educators, we are honoured to be part of this transformation from every angle of background to unify the journey purpose with single minded determination to excel in life having acquired skills for life and the ability to contribute to a global village

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GGA is a state of art coeducation independent school situated in New Naperi, Blantyre.