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SUBJECTS: Biology, Chemistry, Combined Science, Mathematics, ICT and Physics

The Science Department aims to contribute to a sustainable scientific society and as such we strive to advance scientific and technological knowledge by engaging in student-centred and innovative teaching pedagogies that are responsive to the needs of Malawi and beyond.

Cambridge Science Curriculum supports learners in developing life-long curiosity about the natural world and enables them to seek scientific explanations to the phenomena around them.


Learners develop a range of scientific skills, through Working Scientifically, alongside developing their scientific knowledge and understanding, through the strands of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 

Mathematics on the other hand focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships so that learners can apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a holistic understanding of the subject. 

The Cambridge Science Curriculum framework continues the journey from Cambridge Primary Sciences and provides a solid foundation upon which the later stages of education can be built. 

Members of staff in the faculty possess a strong sense of basic and applied scientific educational mission and community service. 
The faculty offers students guidance to career development, the opportunity to realize their academic potential and contribute to the social economic development of our global community through the knowledge and skills they attain. 
Our programmes span a wide range of scientific fields including Biology, Chemistry, Combined Science, Mathematics, ICT and Physics.


V A L U E S: God, Achieving Excellence, Inspired Leadership, Responsibility

Access To Excellence

" May the strength of God pilot us ", " May the Grace of God cover us ".

Conducive Learning Environment

GGA is a state of art coeducation independent school situated in New Naperi, Blantyre. (more…)

Well Experienced Management Team and Staff

GGA is a state of art co-education independent school situated in New Naperi, Blantyre. (more…)

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GGA is a state of art coeducation independent school situated in New Naperi, Blantyre.